Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Boy where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday, Jacob was walking around in a diaper and drinking from a sippy cup. Since I started this blog just recently, I think this would be a good time to reminisce.

I knew I was pregnant when I was only about 2 weeks along. I knew this, almost for sure, because everything, and I mean everything made me sick. Thru the entire pregnancy, I had morning sickness...all day...all night. Anything that remotely had a smell made me sick. If I remember correctly, I lost close to 20 pounds before I ever gained anything. It would have been a great weight loss method, but I would definitely not suggest it!
The pregnancy went fairly well, except for the morning sickness. There were never any worries that anything was ever wrong with Jacob. Towards the end, people would pick on me because I pushed his feet down out of my rib cage on my left side. My ribs hurt even for weeks after he was born.
I was induced on September 9th at 7am, almost guaranteed to deliver sometime in the evening. My friend Jamie, who I also worked with in the studio, took the entire day off to spend it with me and to be there when Jacob was born. Lunch time came, lunch time went. Dinner came, dinner went. Midnight came, midnight went. Apparently the medicine they gave me to induce--didn't work. At this point I was pretty miserable because they wouldn't let me out of the bed, eat, drink, or even move off of my back. I begged for different meds and they finally gave in. Jamie had to go home...unfortunately she had to work the next morning.
By morning, I was feeling ok. I could tell the contractions were there, but not unbearable. I was really surprised when the doc came in and said I could have an epidural, especially because I wasn't really feeling all that much pain. But, I took it of course! They finally broke my water about noon, hoping to speed things up a little more, as things had been pretty uneventful.
I can remember my room phone ringing off the Different people wanting to know if Jacob had made it yet. Nope...he wasn't ready just yet. My mom was on a flight in to see us. Remember...Jacob was supposed to be here the day before so Fred was supposed to pick her up from the airport. One of the other people on the phone was Jamie. She was so upset that she wasn't going to be able to be there. We had planned it all along. At noon when they broke my water, they estimated it would still be several hours, so Jamie told me that she would try to come by on her lunch break to see me.
At this point, they were coming in to check me every hour. At 2 o'clock on the dot, the head nurse came in and said I was completely dilated! In complete perplexment, I think I asked her how much longer it would be. She said...THIS BABY IS COMIN' NOW! Dr. Williamson and her wonderful team came in and began getting ready. The bed I was on was broken down into the birthing table. The pediatric team came in. Gloves were on, and everyone was ready by 2:10. My mom called just a few minutes after 2 to tell us her flight had landed and she was looking for Fred and couldn't find him! We had to tell her it was not possible for him to be there...her grandson was literally on his way! As I began to push...Jamie comes running in the door! She had just made it on her lunch break! Luckily Jacob was born at 2:20, and the hard part was over. He had very good lungs. They were a bit worried because he was face up instead of face down, but when they tested him, his APGAR was just fine. They cleaned him up, and of course you know me, I had everyone scurrying around taking pictures of him shortly after his first breath! Remember...Jamie was a photographer too!
By the time everything was cleaned up, it was very close to 3 o'clock and it was time for Jamie to go back to work. But...God put her there just when she was supposed to be there! Shortly after Jamie left, my mom got there. She had rented a car from the airport and drove to the hospital.
All in all, I must say labor and delivery with Jacob was a breeze. I never had any excruciating contractions and only felt a little pressure when he actually delivered. Who would have ever thought it would be so easy? Not me for sure, but I definitely deserved it for the 9 months of morning sickness!
Jacob was always a very easy going baby. We only had problems with his milk once, which we changed him over to soy. He was always very happy...always babbling...somethings never change!! He was walking at 8 months, done with the bottle at 10 months, had no interest in his pappy by the time he was a year, and holding comprehensive conversations at about 18 months. He has always been eager to move on to the next thing, and still is today. He is a delightful child, although he can be trying at times. Sometimes "because I said so" just doesn't work with him. He wants to know...everything...all the time! Sometimes I think he is too smart for his own good, but I LOVE HIM!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thanks for sharing Carrie!! Jacob is one precious boy!

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