Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I don't know about anyone else, but we have had a time with ants this year. They have been terrible!! Needless to say, we have had lots of bug/ant spray around here. What does this have to do with a recipe you ask? Yet another boy conversation follows...

Jacob: Moma, I know how to make bug spray.

Me: You do?

Jacob: Yeah. You catch a poisonous snake and chop him up into pieces so small you can't see him anymore. Then you put him in a can and add some water to it. Then you have bug spray. The poisonous snake kills the bugs and ants.

Makes sense to me!


The Bullen's said...

Leave it to a boy to come up with that! I think it's a great idea!
You try it first! LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't kids so smart? Just give them a little more time and they will insist they are smarter than you! Wonder how I know that.. lol :)


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